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Ik bin in frou, sizze se
Ik hear by de minsken
Ik hear by de minsken
Sizze se, do bist ien fan ús

Ik haw in thús, sizze se
Ik hear by de minsken
Ik hear by de minsken
Sizze se, do bist hjir thús

Ik bin teplak, sizze se
Ik bin in bewenner
In bewenner fan de stêd dêr’t elk wêze wol
Dêr’t elk it rêde wol mar fol is fol
Net elk dy wurdt hjir âld

Ik bin teplak, sizze se
Ik bin in bewenner
In erkende bewenner
Fan de minskewrâld

Der stean muorren om my hinne
Ik kin rinne fan de keuken nei de kast
En wer werom der is in flier en in plafond
Ik wurd omearme troch beton
Dat my beskermet tsjin wat komt
Tsjin alles wat fan bûten komt

Ik bin in frou, sizze se
Ik hear by de minsken
Ik hear by de minsken
Sizze se, dit is wa’sto bist

Ik bin teplak, sizze se
Ik haw neat mear te winskjen
Ik haw neat mear te winskjen
Sizze se, dit is wat it is

Der stean minsken om my hinne
Ik hoech nea wer allinne te begjinnen
Oan ’e dei ik bin binnen ik doch mei
Ik wurd omringe troch dejingen
Dy’t myn taal ferstean dy’t itselde paad
Gean al ieuwenlang itselde paad
In libben foarsisber útlisber en folslein útwisber                 
Nimmen is ûnmisber

Ik bin teplak, sizze se
Tusken muorren en minsken
Tusken muorren en minsken
Sizze se, dêr is myn plak

Ik haw it fûn, sizze se
Ik haw neat mear te winskjen
Ik haw neat mear te winskjen
Sizze se, ik bin ûnderdak
Lûdsticht luchtticht potticht
Gesticht gesticht ik stik ik stik
Do bist hjir feilich, sizze se
Hjir is alles eigen, sizze se
Do bist hjir thús, sizze se
Do bist ien fan ús, sizze se

Ik bin teplak, sizze se
Ik haw it fûn, sizze se
Ik haw in hûs fan beton yn ’e stêd
En in man dy’t thúskomt elke jûn

Ik bin gelokkich, sizze se
Ik haw it troffen, sizze se
Ik bin frij, sizze se
De wrâld leit oan myn fuotten

Ik bin in frou, sizze se                      
In jonge blom, sizze se
Ik bin in frou yn ’e fleur fan har libben
Mar hoe sjit ik woartel yn beton


Plant, 2021


Flower of Concrete

I am a woman they say
I belong with people
I belong with people
They say you are one of us
I have a home they say
I belong with people
I belong with people
They say you’re at home here
I’m settled here they say
I am a citizen
An inhabitant of a city where everyone wants to be
Where everyone wants to make it but full is full
Not everyone grows old here
I’m settled here they say
I am a citizen
A recognised citizen
Of the human world
There are walls around me
I can walk from kitchen to cupboard
And back again there’s a floor and a ceiling
I’m enveloped in concrete
That protects me against what’s coming
Against everything coming from outside
I am a woman they say
I belong with people
I belong with people
They say this is who you are
I’m settled here they say
I’ve got everything I need
I’ve got everything I need
They say this is it
There are people around me
I’ll never have to start my day alone again
I’ve arrived I count for something
I’m surrounded by those
Who speak my language tread my path
And have trodden the same path for centuries
A predictable life transparent and utterly forgettable
No one is indispensable
I’m settled here they say
Between walls and people
Between walls and people
They say that’s where I belong
I’ve found the answers they say
I’ve got everything I need
I’ve got everything I need
They say I have arrived
Sound-proof air-proof life-proof
Madhouse madhouse I’m suffocating
You’re safe here they say
Everything’s genuine here they say
You’re at home here they say
You’re one of us they say
I’ve arrived they say
I’ve found the answers they say
I’ve got a concrete house in the city
And a husband who comes home every night
I’m happy they say
I’m fortunate they say
I’m free they say
The world’s at my feet
I am a woman they say
A young flower they say
I am a woman in the prime of her life
But how do I take root in concrete?

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