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Dûns fan de siedden

Ierde hoelang hasto wachte
Hoelang op it kommen fan it ljocht
Ierde dyn momint is no
De sinne skynt dy iepen
Ierde hoelang hasto wachte
Hoelang op it kommen fan ’e ljip
Ierde dyn momint is no
De sinne skynt dy iepen

Myn jas is te lyts
Myn jas is te lyts

Ierde hoelang hasto wachte
Hoelang op it roppen grito-gryt
Ierde dyn momint is no
De sinne skynt dy iepen
Ierde hoelang hasto wachte
Hoelang op ’e trippel fan in pyk
Ierde dyn momint is no
De sinne skynt dy iepen

Myn jas is te lyts
Myn jas is te lyts

En yn my klopje twa herten
En yn my sjongt in stille stoarm
En yn my swelt in swiete belofte
Grutte trom lytse trom
Bûnzje troch myn ieren
Grutte trom lytse trom
Liet fan wat komt

Ierde hoelang hasto wachte
Hoelang op ’e lammen en it grien
Ierde dyn momint is no
De sinne skynt dy iepen
Ierde hoelang hasto wachte
Hoelang op ’e blommen yn dyn hier
Ierde dyn momint is no
De sinne skynt dy iepen

Myn jas is te lyts
Myn jas is te lyts

En yn my klopje twa herten
En yn my sjongt in stille stoarm
En yn my swelt in swiete belofte
Grutte trom lytse trom
Bûnzje troch myn ieren
Grutte trom lytse trom
Liet fan wat komt

Op ’e jiske fan juster
Dûnsje de siedden
Op ’e jiske fan juster
Dûnset de moarn

Lyrics & music: Nynke Laverman English translation: Judith Wilkinson


Alter, 2013


Dance of the seeds

Earth how long have you waited
How long for the light to come
Earth your moment is now
The sun is opening you up
Earth how long have you waited
How long for the peewit to come
Earth your moment is now
The sun is opening you up

My coat doesn’t fit
My coat doesn’t fit anymore

Earth how long have you waited
How long for the call of the godwit
Earth your moment is now
The sun is opening you up
Earth how long have you waited
How long for the patter of a chick
Earth your moment is now
The sun is opening you up

My coat doesn’t fit
My coat doesn’t fit anymore

And in me two hearts are beating
And in me a silent storm sings
And in me a sweet promise is welling
Big drum little drum
Beating through my veins
Big drum little drum
Song of what’s to come

Earth how long have you waited
How long for the lambs and the green
Earth your moment is now
The sun is opening you up
Earth how long have you waited
How long for the flowers in your hair
Earth your moment is now
The sun is opening you up

My coat doesn’t fit
My coat doesn’t fit anymore

And in me two hearts are beating
And in me a silent storm sings
And in me a sweet promise is welling
Big drum little drum
Beating through my veins
Big drum little drum
Song of what’s to come

On the ashes of yesterday
The seeds dance
On the ashes of yesterday
The morning dances

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