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Man op it sân

man op it sân
wêr komsto wei
doe’t fan ’e jûn de rein foel
kaamsto út de klaai

bisto fan wetter
nee, net fan wetter
bisto fan ierde
nee, net fan ierde
wat soesto wêze wolle
frij as in flinter

man op it sân
wa makke dy
doe’t fan ’e jûn de rein foel
stiest hjir foar my

no datsto gien bist
sjoch ik gjin blommen
hear ik gjin fûgel sjongen
myn hert is ferklomme

man op it sân
wêr komsto wei
doe’t fan ’e jûn de rein foel
kaamsto út de klaai

man op it sân
wa makke dy
doe’t fan ’e jûn de rein foel
stiest hjir foar my

Lyrics: Nynke Laverman Music: traditional English translation: Judith Wilkinson

De Maisfrou

De Maisfrou, 2006


Man on the sand

man on the sand
where do you come from
when the rain fell tonight
you came out of the clay

are you made of water
no, not of water
are you made of earth
no, not of earth
what would you like to be
free as a butterfly

man on the sand
who made you
when the rain fell tonight
you popped up in front of me

now that you’ve gone
I don’t see flowers
I don’t hear the birds sing
my heart is numb with cold

man on the sand
where do you come from
when the rain fell tonight
you came out of the clay

man on the sand
who made you
when the rain fell tonight
you popped up in front of me

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